
Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: 2014

A lumnicernővé képei a Vörös katlanbéli előadásáról


Göttinger Pali a oldalán

A interjújában többek közt az Ördögkatlanról is volt szó kicsit. Az Ördögkatlan Fesztivál szervezésében ellátott szereped egyfajta kultúrmisszió?   Az Ördögkatlan tényleg egy önzetlenségből, jóságból és emberközeliségből táplálkozó eseménysor minden évben öt napig, amikor közvetlenséggel, de nem gazsulálva barátkozhat egymással pár ezer ember. Úgy, ahogy ezt a kultúrafogyasztó ember naivan, de vágyakozva elképzeli: hogy közben jó bort iszik, jó zenét hallgat, fontos előadásokat lát. Muszáj, hogy legyenek ilyen helyek ebben az országban. Másrészt muszáj, hogy az ember csináljon önkéntes, közösségi dolgokat, mert az szocializálja vagy rakja rendbe az ő saját társadalmi létét is. Sok önkéntes, közösségi dolgot csinálok, szerintem ez tök fontos. Arról nem is beszélve, hogy a Katlan egy igazán összművészeti vállalkozás, aki öt napot tölt ott, az a teljes élményt viszi haza, így válik művészeti kérdéssé minden, ami befolyásolja azt, hogy hogy érezte magát. A közlekedés, a helys

Már csak kettő, mindjárt húsz!

Amikor kipattant a fejünkből az ötlet, nem gondoltuk volna, hogy ennyi magánszemély fogja támogatni az Ördögkatlant. Évről-évre többen gondolják azt, hogy szponzorbérlet vásárlásával segítik a rendezvényünk működését, hogy olyan lehessen, amilyennek a kezdetekkor megálmodtuk. Idén először testközelbe került a lehetőség, amit eddig remélni sem mertünk: hogy meglegyenek a "Húszak". Mert a "húszak" jól hangzik, kerek, mérhető, megható, örömteli, egy újabb álom megvalósulása. 18 lelkes Katlanozó már megvásárolta a szponzorbérletét. Mi is készülünk: idén, ők (remélhetőleg húszan) egy különleges, zártkörű borkóstolón vehetnek részt, Wahorn Andrással és Cseh Andrissal (Tamás fiával). A szponzorainknak gyártatunk 20 db karszalagot, olyan színűt, ami senki másnak nem lesz kerek e világon és a fesztiválon, és egyéb apró ajándékokkal is kedveskedünk. Ha megteheted, támogass minket Szponzorbérlet vásárlásával, ha nem, segíts, hogy minél több lelkes Katlanbaráthoz jusson



Látogatói ÁSZF

Az alábbi dokumentumot le is lehet tölteni, innen . LÁTOGATÓI RÉSZVÉTELI SZABÁLYZAT (ÁSZF) ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 1. Bevezető rendelkezések 1.1. Jelen részvételi szabályzat (a továbbiakban: Szabályzat) tartalmazza az Ördögkatlan Fesztivál Egyesület (székhely:1122 Budapest, Városmajor u. 27/a, képviselő: Bérczes László) (a továbbiakban: Szervező) által szervezett Ördögkatlan Fesztiválon (a továbbiakban: fesztivál vagy Katlan) résztvevő látogatók (továbbiakban: Látogató vagy Látogatók) részvételének feltételeit, szabályait, valamint a Szervező és a Látogatók (a továbbiakban együtt: Felek) között a belépők (jegy,bérlet) megvásárlása révén keletkező jogviszonyból eredő fontosabb jogokat és kötelezettségeket. 1.2. A Szervező felhívja a Látogatók figyelmét, hogy a Katlan egy speciális körülmények között megrendezett fesztivál, ahol egyes borászatok, valamint egyébként nem előadások megtartására kialakított ingatlanok válnak fesztiválhelyszínekké, ahol a fesztiv


INTERJÚ SCHERER, MUCSI ÉS KATONA LEGÉNYEKKEL Novembertől a Nemzeti Színházban lesz látható a tizenöt éve sikerrel futó Mulatság. A Bárka Színház rendezetlen helyzete miatt nem tudja műsorra tűzni. Az új helyszínen Katona László veszi át B legény szerepét. Scherer Péterrel, Mucsi Zoltánnal. Vele beszélgettünk.  Hogy lehet egy régóta futó, szép szériát megélt előadásba beállni? Katona László: Nem könnyű. A Nézőművészeti Főiskolát tíz éve játsszuk így hárman. Nem nagyon tudjuk elképzelni, hogy milyen lenne, ha beugrásra kerülne a sor. Mivel Szikszai Rémusz elment külföldre, a Mulatságnál tizenöt év után megtörténik a beugrás. Egy évig én játszom B legényt. Igazából tíz-tizenöt előadás után tudnék majd válaszolni, hogy milyen beállni. Kézdivásárhelyen már lement háromszor az előadás, volt, amelyik jobban sikerült, volt, amelyik kevésbé. A teljes interjú a színhá oldalán olvasható!

Check out our updated English info package!

For those who plan a visit to the Ördögkatlan but find it difficult to get information in English here is an updated general information site. Please note that this is an overview of the last seven years of our work. Next year's events will not be available until late June 2015. CLICK HERE. The English site can be found in the top menu of every page.


We think the most important priority is the synergy between the villages and Ördögkatlan, the creation of the five-day-long celebration to prove to all parties involved: we are capable of carrying out grand projects of great significance, and showing human qualities. We know that compared to the Sziget festival, a Europe-wide famous enterprise attracting hundreds of thousands of people each year (with 85% of it's visitors being foreign), a celebration like ours might seem insignificant, maybe even ridiculous. By all means, oldfashioned and outdated. We don't deny that. We don't deny that basket-works are outdated, "not normal" by nature, whereas we believe that this is worthy of men, yes, it's appropriate, it's just right on a human-size scale. It's one of the things Mari Törőcsik says when she does something out of love instead of cold calculation: "I must be insane!" Well, this became the motto for Ördögkatlan this summer. "We must


Hostility to hospitality When we speak of effects we always think of the positive, even though it’s obvious that when a chain of festive events arrives „out of nowhere” to a small village, it will cause inconveniencies to the locals. A popular view tends to be „what do these metropolitans want here?” – a cautious and moderate interest. The order of things is changed for five days, only to leave a mess for about a week afterwards. Let’s spare a moment to think of the old man whose house’s window opens to the yard that we just introduced as a perfect concert ground, and which became one of the centers of the festival this year. Concerts till dawn, The Durgas, Pál „The Bacon” István and his band from Ukraine, musicians from Morocco and India… But this has been the seventh such summer, and our old man’s hostility has since been turned into hospitality. So much so, that the mediawave team has even made a short documentary about him, which revealed the fact that this old little man living


2008. I. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 3 days, 3 villages, 5 spots 5000 visitors 2009. II. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 5 days, 3 villages, 12 spots 15.000 visitors 2010. III. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 5 days, 3 villages, 16 spots 22.000 visitors 2011. IV. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 5 days, 3 villages, 23 spots 30.000 visitors 2012. V. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 5 days, 3 villages, 28 spots 32.000 visitors VI. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 5 nap, 4 villages, 35 spots 35.000 visitors VII. ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESZTIVÁL 5 days, 4 villages, 38 spots 38.000 visitors


Three little villages, Palkonya, Nagyharsány and Kisharsány provide the base locations for the festival. The gymnasium in Nagyharsány is transformed into a theatre (just like the Palkonya village-house and the Kisharsány barn). Theatre is probably the most popular genre of the Ördögkatlan, and at this now five-day-long event, people have to fight through crowds to get into a show – we could say only the strongest and most desperate few do so. That’s the way it is, despite the fact that we try to provide a great variety, like having had 50 shows last year, and slightly more this summer, the Nagyharsány sports court provides stage to the most popular rock-bands, and the ones that are less known to Hungary are also invited (such as the American Firewater in 2010, and the German BudZillus in 2011). Palkonya is firstly a world music and folk music center, within its church, classical concerts are held, which the churches of the other two villages also provide grounds for. The lovely ter


Birth – 2008 The first, defining accident: in June of 2008 I recieved a phonecall: the 10 days in the Valley of Arts that have been already fully organized, would be cancelled due to the lack of funds. Our decision was to go against our bad luck and organise the festival anyway. A festival of our very own. A festival taking place south of Pécs, in the beautiful Szársomlyó statue-park, and at its sorroundings. However small and humble it might be, we felt it was our sign to get started on our own path. We managed to get a meager funding from Pécs, the then-current cultural capital of Europe, and the nearby villages also wanted to take part, and helped out- there was some income from the tickets, and from a sum of 40.000 Euro, we created a highly successful two and a half day long festival. It was tiny, but it was alive, and it was ours. The name The choice of name (The Devil’s Cauldron) might be somewhat misleading; one might associate it with some heavy-metal festival, so we thou


some words about a „barefoot festival” „When we dream alone, it is only a dream but when many people dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality.” (Friedensreich Hundertwasser) „We need to return to handcraft. „Basket-works”. It has been my bug for decades. It might actually be the secret to Bárka: it’s not a „new” theatre we have to create- it’s returning to the haphazardness of theatre, the eventfulness, and thus to the public significance. Significance that has to do with celebration- the very thing that created theatre. Celebration is beautiful…” (József Ruszt) József Ruszt, a master and icon of Hungarian theatre history said this at the time Bárka Theatre was founded in the nineties. There is no way for us to address even more accurately our intents of creating the Ördögkatlan Pan-Art Festival in 2008, of the reason organizing it for the fifth time in 2012, the reason loving it, and explaining why more and more of us hold on to it. We carry on with our work wi

Mediawave workshops since 2008

By the request of the Ördögkatlan Festival organizers, the programs taking place in Kisharsány are organized by the team Mediawave Foundation/Festival from Győr/Szombathely, in the past 2 years as sub/partner organizers. Moreover, they are now in charge of running all of the programs in Kisharsány. INTUITION The so-called MEDIAWAVE CAULDRON – in correspondence with the traditions and cultural view of the MEDIAWAVE – is not only a series of programs, but also contains different art workshops and community supporting events connected strainlessly. Taking responsibility in a social way, MEDIAWAVE Cauldron treats the communal participation of the local Gypsy inhabitants in the programs very seriously. Moreover, to encourage the intellectual young Gypsies participation in the art workshops, they were not charged, which was a useful gesture reaching good results in 2010. 1./ INITIATION OF THE INHABITANTS In the past two years, we have tried many methods to initiate the inh

Béla Tarr

Béla Tarr Béla Tarr started working in film as an amateur, at the age of 16. He directed his first feature film, Family Nest (1977) at the age of 22. This film, along with The Outsider (1981) and The Prefab People (1982), constitutes the first phase of Bela Tarr's opus, characterized by social issues and documentary style. In the mid 1980s, he started collaboration with the writer László Krasznahoraki, whose works were the basis of Tarr's film Damnation (1988), Satan's Tango (1994) and Werckmeister Harmonies (2000). Damnation marked the beginning of the visual style for which he is known today: a distinctive black-and-white photographic approach, and long, slow shots, which culminated in the seven-and-a-half hour long adaptation of Krasznahoraki's novel, his masterpiece, the Satan's Tango. The film brought him international recognition, and the Werckmeister harmonies are not less appreciated, either. His next film, The Man from London (The Man from London, 2007)

Imre Bukta (HUN)

Imre Bukta is a Mihály Munkácsy-prize winning Hungarian artist. Between 1993 and 2012, he has been a member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and is a corresponding member since 2013. In 1975, he created his own special art, the so-called art of agriculture. His exhibition in Budapest (1978) drew the attention to him, since then he is continuously present on domestic and foreign exhibitions.

Miroslav Jovancic (SRB)

Miroslav Jovančić is often referred to as the Subotican polymath. He paints, organizes exhibition as the collaborator of the Modern Gallery of Subotica, plays music, coordinates concerts and leads the Philharmonic in Subotica. His paintings have been presented on several independent exhibitions. His first large-scale exhibition, with the title 'I am coming with music', took place in Subotica in 2008. His creations have been exhibited in several Voivodian towns, as well as in Hungary. Jovančić does not separate music and visual arts, he regards them as complementary, none of them burdening the other one. There is only one thing bothering the versatile artist: the day is not long enough to provide him sufficient time for doing everything he wants. In addition to his musical and fine arts interests, he is curious about literature and theatre, too. He loves nature and is concerned about human destinies.

Péter Kornis (HUN)

Peter Korniss was born in Kolozsvar (Cluj, Transylvania, Romania) in 1937. Theatre and dance photography have always been at the focus of his professional career, he is a documentary photographer. He dedicated more than forty years to photographing the traditional peasant life in Eastern Europe, mainly in Transylvania. His photo albums, Heaven’s Bridegroom (1975), Passing Times (1979), Inventory - Transylvanian Pictures (1998) and Attachment (2008) stand for tribute to a disappearing culture. Meanwhile he spent ten years following the life of a migrant worker, which resulted in the book entitled The Guest Worker (1988). He has been a member of the Advisory Board of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund (USA) since 1983 and of the World Press Photo International Advisory Committee since 1984. In 2007, he became founding member of the World Photographic Academy.


just a few guests from the past 7 years Péter Korniss (HUN) Miroslav Jovancic (SRB) Imre Bukta (HUN)

Hrabal fun fair

Bohumil Hrabal, the great Czech storyteller, who is famous for his zest for life, humanity and his satiric humour, would celebrate his 100th birthday in 2014.The anniversary is not the only reason for him being the Cauldron’s virtual Guest of Honor, he is also one of the favorite authors of the organizers. To become a Guest of Honor, one’s personality and work should represent what the Festival stands for: quality, encounter, humanism, openness and love. The programs aim to explore his immortal work and show the Hrabal-Universe’s very human, reachable, understandable and liveable side. „I watch people with simple lives. We talk, tell stories to each other and once again I will find that line and crystal that I can form into drop shape. I’ve always had that feeling that people who can harvest spud, go to their little bars, so those who lead really simple lives, they get a lot more from life, than the intellectuals’ superiority, because who have lower statuses can always tell me more a

György Konrád

György (George) Konrád is a Hungarian novelist and essayist, sociologist known as an advocate of individual freedom. His works have been published in English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish and Serbian as well as in other languages. He is one of the most famous contemporary Hungarian prosaists worldwide. He has received the highest state distinctions awarded by France, Hungary, and Germany: Officier de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur (1996); The Hungarian Republic Legion of Honor Middle Cross with Star (2003); Das Grosse Verdienstkreuz des Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2003). He holds honorary doctorates from the University of Antwerp (1990) and the University of Novi Sad (2003). He is an honorary citizen of Berettyóújfalu (2003) and of Budapest (2004).