Mediawave workshops since 2008

By the request of the Ördögkatlan Festival organizers, the programs taking place in Kisharsány are organized by the team Mediawave Foundation/Festival from Győr/Szombathely, in the past 2 years as sub/partner organizers. Moreover, they are now in charge of running all of the programs in Kisharsány.

The so-called MEDIAWAVE CAULDRON – in correspondence with the traditions and cultural view of the MEDIAWAVE – is not only a series of programs, but also contains different art workshops and community supporting events connected strainlessly.

Taking responsibility in a social way, MEDIAWAVE Cauldron treats the communal participation of the local Gypsy inhabitants in the programs very seriously. Moreover, to encourage the intellectual young Gypsies participation in the art workshops, they were not charged, which was a useful gesture reaching good results in 2010.

In the past two years, we have tried many methods to initiate the inhabitants. Today we are able to say we were successful in avoiding the typical mistake made by the intellectual festivals taking place in the country. This problem is producing aversion from the festival by the inhabitants (except local businesses), because of not involving them in the core, not highlighting enough the ’our festival’ feeling. Usually, locals are only offered with programs on a low aspiration level, if any.
Our goal, during each festival, is to form the feeling of ’this is our festival, and we are proud of it’ stronger in the inhabitants! To reach this aim, we use a variety of methods with multiple steps:
  • during the workshop (MEDIAWAVE Summer Art Camp –  kickoff before the festival start)
    • we invite local youth to a soccer game
    • we request the dance troup and choir of local pensioners to make a performance
    • afterwards, we organize a common bacon frying at the campfire
    • inhabitants are performing in films and appear on the photos produced in the workshop, which makes them interested in the final results
    • local musicians and dancers are asked to take part in the Gypsy-Hungarian music workshop
  • during the festival
    • discounted or free of charge tickets for visiting the programs of the festival for the inhabitants

The large local and regionary Gypsy population, which lives less segregated than it is usual lin Hungary, initiated through the already mentioned way to the festival, takes part in the collective events more gladly and enthusiastically than the Hungarians, because they perceive each action as a collective movement, so to say, a celebration. If they feel something personal, they add their own habits, dispositions to it. For example, last year they organized a ’ratatouille’-party for the workshop. It was also easy to initiate them into the work of the authentic Gypsy music workshop; they showed us their talents with pleasure.

Within the frames of the Ördögkatlan Festival, there is an intentional diversity in style and artistic forms, from which the MEDIAWAVE in Kisharsány emphasizes the following types of arts:

  • jazz and improvisative music
  • authentic folk music
  • ethnic – based music experiments (not world music!)
    • ethnic-based improvisation
    • ethnic-based rock
    • experiments to create progressive Gypsy music tunes
      • underground and experimental music

  • photo exhibitions
  • Portfolio Review (public judgement of the photos)
  • practical experimentation with archive techniques in photography
  • projection of films
  • film workshop for youngsters
  • street theater, puppet theater

The festival programs, collective programs and workshops take place at the common spots of the village, and also at other local scenes:
  • large stage (playground)
  • small stage and exhibition area (gym of the kindergarten)
  • special concerts (church, Vylian terrace)
  • arts and crafts fair (main street)

music – architecture – photo – film workshops
(with music rehearsals, architectural actions, taking photos (portrait, landscape,village), shooting films)

Slam poetry campfire