Garaczi - Hajnóczy: metaXa Dolores

A lot of things can happen, if a prose writer and a musician were to go on stage. For example, they might mix up their art, just as László Garaczi and Csaba Hajnóczy did. The selected short stories of Garaczi, from the novels MetaXa and Pompásan buszozunk! are accompanied by the band Kampec Dolores. Though relaxing and easy, the jazzy bits give the text new meaning, and create a conflicting atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Reader: Gergő Bánki

Selected Short Stories:
Plasztik - makk 7 (Gyarmati nő )
Tisztulás (Gyarmati nő)
Tüdő (Nevetnek az angyalok)
metaXa – Six selected writings
A villa és a kés (poem)

The writings include musical interludes which will complete the evening.

The band:

Csaba Hajnóczy - guitar, electronics
István Grencsó - sax, flute
Gabi Kenderesi - vocals
Árpád Vajdovich - double bass, bass guitar
Csaba Németh - drums
Mizó – beatbox