The Tiger Lillies

The “devilishly sacred castrated criminal-anarchistic brechtian blues trio”, The Tiger Lillies will ravish the Katlan audience in a surreal “Victorian dark cabaret” nightmare, one they will never forget! The vocalist, Martyn Jacques spent 7 years living above a brothel in the Soho, thus witnessing the daily struggles of suburbia, along with the bohemian city folk, both serving as inspiration for his music. He trained himself to be an opera singer for 7 years, developing his characteristic falsetto voice, which we are lucky enough to ear-witness at their concerts, guiding us through the deepest swamps of England: the tales of whores, drug addicts and thieves come to life.

Band members:
Martyn Jacques - vocals, accordion, harmonica
Adrian Huge - drums, percussion and backing vocals
Adrian Stout - double bass, musical saw and backing vocals