Forte Company

After the Notebook last year, we invited them back!

A performance of the freshly graduated director-choreographer class after János Arany’s classic, directed by their form master, Csaba Horváth.

During the performance, the entire Arany-poem is narrated, the text is integrated with movement, music and dance.

„The real challenge was to clash a classic, stamping work with the language of contemporary theatre.” (Csaba Horváth)

Cast: Zsuzsa Gyöngy, Máté Hegymegi, Barnabás Horkay, Norbert Nagy/ László Fehér, Márton Pallag, Krisztina Varga, Linda Zsíros

Music: Mihály Dresch

Osztályvezető tanárok: Lukáts Andor, Horváth Csaba

Director-choreographer: Csaba Horváth