Svjata Vatra (“holy fire” in Ukrainian) are an Estonian-Ukrainian “fire-folk” band. Ruslan, the leader of the band, has played five years in Ukrainian folk rock band Haydamaky. In 2005 he moved to Estonia and initiated with Estonian musicians band Svjata Vatra. Ruslan combines his very special charismatic trombone playing style with intense vocals and using scythe for rhythm. The band’s line-up is unique: the temperamental Ukrainian trombone together with the Estonian bagpipes produce amazing sound patterns, which generate fiery, non-Nordic and extremely masculine energy that cannot but impress everyone.

Svjata Vatra have played more than 300 live-concerts in over 14 countries, two years ago they made a great party on the Millenáris in Budapest.

The Svjata Vatra is like a cozy campfire, which crunches, crackles, gives you warmth, but does not burn you.

Ruslan Trochynskyi – Vocal, trombone, scythe
Juhan Suits ( Juss ) - Estonian bagpipes, wooden horn, whistle, vocal, jew’s harp
Madis Pilt – Accordion, vocal
Martin Aulis – Drums, Percussion