Snapshots of the Hrabal Galaxy

The art exhibition deploying different water-colours, panel paintings, statues, sculptures, irregular slides, and objects created by the artists conjointly was visible in more of the country's cities in the past years.

The on Bohumil Hrabal’s life and art elaborating and interpreting, as well as creator responses conceiving exhibition was created and unveiled by Tamás Asztalos curator, writer, Zsolt Odler photo artist and László Ladócsy painter in 2005, in the Petőfi Museum Gallery at Aszód. They have been joined later by András Hagymásy „pub expert”, Atanáz Fedinecz painter, Sebestyén Monori and Balázs Kocsis sculptors; and the exhibition material was augmented with the Hrabal’s relic collection of István Bakos, as well as with the Hrabal-inspired creations of Sándor Sebestyén sculptor, which have been offered by the artist’s daughter from her father’s legacy.

The exhibition grew into a travelling exhibition during the years, it was visible in multiple cities, this time in the Ördögkatlan due to the centenarium of Hrabal’s birth!