Wombo Orchestra (FR)

Giddy carnival jazz, where New Orleans merges with the heaviest hip hop tunes, as well as the atmosphere of big bands with fiestas. Do not miss the French craziness! The band which combines twisting and astonishingly electrifying energy with the true Mediterranean fiesta fun atmosphere, the fineness of the marching jazz bands, as well as pulsating hip hop lyrics with the charm of the French chansons, makes each performance a “capital letter Experience”.

WOMBO ORCHESTRA Fanfare Afropunk Prenez un os de poisson, une grosse moustache, une poignée de cauris, une crête de coq rougie au soleil, laissez bouillir à grand feu dada dans un crâne voodoo & vous obtenez une fanfare afropunk qui va brasser votre cage de singes civilisés ! Le Wombo Orchestra, c'est un rhum arrangé 15 ans d'âge vieilli en fûts déchainés, c'est une "rock'o'motive" cuivrée, toujours dans le rouge, une armada rutilante de bonobos insolents, tambours battants, menée au chant par Mama J., "négresse blanche" & prêtresse distillé à l'école du bitume & de la sueur, soul imparable ... Portés par les vents de l'Est, forgerons du dance floor, ils enfoncent le clou avec un 5ème opus, "Ruunga ménagerie fracassante, toute de muscles et de ferraille, comme sortie du laboratoire du Professeur Moore. Mekanika",


 WOMBO ORCHESTRA Afropunk Brass­Band Take a fish’s bone, a big mustache, a bunch of cowry shells, a sunburnt rooster’s comb and let it all boil fast in a voodoo skull : you’ll get an afropunk brass­band that’s gonna rattle your cage of civilized monkeys ! The Wombo Orchestra is a 15­year­old rearranged rum and been distilled under the guidance of asphalt and sweat. a dazzling army of rude bonobos marching to the beat of drums and led by the unstoppable soul singer / priestess Mama J, that has aged in unchained casks It’s a "horny" rock’o’motive that’s always in the red, a.k.a. the "White Negress". Carried away by eastern winds, the blacksmiths of the hammer it in with their 5th album, "Ruunga Mekanika", which could be described as a deafening zoo of muscles and scrap iron that comes straight from Professor Moore’s dancefloor laboratory.


 Discographie "Zumba­Kudi Tu Muliyama" (2008) "Zumuli­Yamassa" (2009) "Ruunga Mekanika" (2013) "Zunga Zumi" (2009) "Meka­Monkey" (2011) "joseM­Wombo" (2015)


 WOMBO ORCHESTRA Numa Lakroch' : Drums/Vocal Mama J : Vocal/Percus Faber : Bass Marco: Baritone Sax/Soprano Sax/Vocal Jano : Sousaphone Fredifr3d : Alto Sax/Monotron O'Beat : Trombone Eloa : Trombone Flow : Trombone Perny : Trumpet Youff : Trumpet Vrac : Sound Engineer


 Management/Booking Manuel : +33 (0) el.manicomio@hotmail.fr wombo.fr Facebook: Wombo Orchestra Twitter : WomboBrassBand Myspace : wombolombakehe BandCamp : wombo­orchestra BandCamp : josem­wombo Clip Wombo Live : 21st Century Schizoïd Man Teaser Josem­Wombo 2015 Clip Wombo : Bullet In The Head Clip Wombo : The Carmen Teaser Wombo 5° album : "Ruunga Mekanika" SoundCloud : El Manicomio YouTube : Wombo Orchestra Administratif Association EL MANICOMIO 7 bis Les Moulins ­ 33220 St­André et Appelles ­ France