Audio-visual wall painting tuned to music and wine

Every night there is audio-visual wall painting tuned to music and wine on the Palkonya wine cellars at/on/next to the Hárságyi cellar after dark.

VJ group: SUPER 33

At the same place, there is a visual live act with SUPER33 VJs and superb music on the evening of 6th August. Dancing is compulsory!

The performances are free!

The since 2007 operating VJ group works together with numerous bands apart from performing at summer festivals and electronic music parties. Among others, they have been performing together with: Csík Band, Brains, 30Y, Magashegyi Underground, Kaukázus, Irie Maffia, Tankcsapda, Szabó Balázs Band, Sexepil, Esti Kornél, Kaldera.