Brief summaries 2012 - music

Subjective Kisharsány tour
Kisharsány, how the ’Katlangoers’, or even the local ones do not know it. Abandoned bank and riddle stories, love mysteries, reception visits, pálinka and cake raids. Irregular regional historical tour lead by local brave lads and girls with some metropolitan background wind. Because making new acquaintances is great!
Appointments: Thursday 5 pm, Friday 5 pm, Saturday 4 pm
Assembling: Kisharsány, village pub
Cca. 50 minutes
Bujdosó-Vajdovich-Németh trio
The (film)composer-guitar player János Bujdosó, who also plays with Bori Rutkai and with the Kistehén Band in Katlan, founded in 2011 his half acoustic trio together with Árpád Vajdovich (double bass) & Csaba Németh (drum). It’s focused, flying, heart grasping and Mediterranean. The visitors will get a teaser from the recent formation’s in the spring recorded, soon to be released debut album.
Incrazed brass attack flavoured with hiphop: a marching lunatic asylum with the best and harshest beats you can wish for. Don't dare to miss the truly French fiesta!
French fusion brass-band aka Wombolombakéhé!!! With their horn bells sticking out from the windows of the caravan at the sound of the faintest rhythmical signal, the Wombo Orchestra is a family... And you don't need to open your eyes to see it. Their overflowing energy explodes from all sides and sets everybody's neck in motion. The message is for the heart's knees and the soul's thighs.
Line up:
Frédéric CORBIÈRE : Alto Sax; Jean LAGORCE : Soubassophone; Hervé PERNYQUOSKI : Trumpet; Stéphane GRÉTIN : Trombone; Manuel LAGORCE : Drums/Voice; Julie ROMAN : Voice/Percussions; Florent GUICHARD : Trombone; Edouard LHOUMEAU : Tenor Sax/Soprano Sax; Pascal GACHET : Baritone Sax/Trumpet; Marc VERDIER : Tenor Sax/Sound Engineer; Nayeli LAGORCE-ROMAN : Wombo Baby; Jennifer PAON : Merchandising/Nurse
Judit Halász
Judit Halász sings for the children (and for the parents, too)
Palkonya – Mesekert (Tale Garden, Mall Park)
We know her well from the Víg Theatre’s stage and from István Szabó’s early movies – her name is a notion among the children. Generations has grown up on her songs, and these generations, parents and their children may see and hear the concert together - on one of the most beautiful sites of the Ördögkatlan, in Palkonya Mall Park.
Yesterday and Today
Church concert for children & adults
Eszter Sára Kővári & her friends’ concert
On 2nd August (11 am), we can welcome old friends in St. Elisabeth Church, Palkonya. Eszter Sára Kővári, István Kerek and Béla Faragó have already performed in Ördögkatlan several times. Their program is characterized by what their title implies: they bridge between past and present, which should be the aim of every contemporary artist – both the classical and the contemporary music evokes the viewer-listener. The delivered works will reflect on this, here are some titles from the setlist:
Bach: Magnificat: Quia respexit ...
Bach: Violin Sonata in detail (minor, d and h)
Mozart: Exultate Jubilate I, II, III. item
Jenkins: Requiem - Lacrimosa
- Pie Jesu
Bela Farago - Lullaby
- Ave Maria
Sradella - Pieta Signore
Gounod: Ave Maria
Schubert: Ave Maria
Who last year stood near to the occasional Tamás Cseh stage at the right moment, could’ve seen and heard Zoltán Semegi. That’s how he got invited this year, you can listen to his music at Árokpart Bar, in Nagyharsány Village Center, he’ll sing mostly Tamás Cseh songs.
Invisible story
Tibor Szemző’s concert, Vylyan Terrace
Tibor Szemző is one of Hungary's most significant contemporary composers, who has been inspired by avant-garde as just as ambient or minimalist, repetitive music. An extremely versatile artist, who composes independent pieces of music and film and theatre musical accompaniments, as well. Apart from composing he but also creates notable performances, art actions, and produced several films. In Ördögkatlan, he’ll give his mind to Béla Hamvas’ Invisible story.
Alagsor band (Basement band)
Actor students’ band from Kaposvár. There is Enikő who can sing. Plus we. Furthermore two pretty gals and the boys.
Enikő Dobó - vocals / Szabolcs Horváth - guitar / Ádám Béli - rhythms / Bence Benkó – rhythm guitar / Gergely Dargó - piano / Eliza Sodró - violin / Kata Gonda – bass
The three Mozart - Da Ponte operas
Church concerts
Nagyharsány: The Marriage of Figaro
Kisharsány: Don Giovanni
Palkonya: Cosi fan tutte
Mozart’s greatest successes were due to this three operas and our concert series will also take a closer look on these, supported by four outstanding opera singers. We seek such relationships in these three operas during the ‘talking’ concerts for which a listener has no chance during a traditional show. Since this allows us to repeat particular parts of the music, we can explore the correspondence between the musical fabric and the aria parts or we can ‘try out’ a scene in various ways. We call our listeners to saunter along Mozart’s opera stage.
Pianist-conductor-story teller: Dániel Dinyés
Singers: Apollónia Szolnoki, Anna Herczenik, Tivadar Kiss, Antal Cseh opera singers
György Ferenczi and the Rackajam
Ördögkatlan is almost unthinkable without the ‘Rackas’
At Kisharsány’s football pitch
György Ferenczi, our excellent harmonica artist has a broadly twenty-year career, which was hallmarked by the fusion of country, blues, rock ‘n’ roll and the Hungarian folk music. He is featured on more than 250 albums since he became popular with his bands named Herfli Davidson and Rackajam across Europe.
“A Hungarian musician should normally be able go anywhere from folk music, but in the home of Kodály-method it’s not the usual case. I grew up on Jimi Hendrix’, AC/DC’s and Hobo Blues Band’s music. Today, two things define my music: the folk music and Hendrix.” – says the main Racka.
Gran Kino: 1989 – Soundtrack
A real musical delicacy on Kisharsány’s free stage
The year 1989 was one of the most important turning point in our modern history. By this was inspired a special artistic project, in which more than 30 artists have taken part and and with the collaboration of whom the Gran Kino named French band has composed the music of this crucial year. In the project – among others – has taken part: Calexico (USA), Tambours du Bronx (F), Akido Ando (JAP), Clare & the Reasons (USA) & Jos Kley (The Ex, NL). Although only 4 musicians stands on the stage, the rest of the participating artists are summoned on samplers.
Balázs Lenthár
Balázs Lenthár is already one of the determining figures of Pécs’s pub life since years. His blues, country and rock’n’roll songs have already condemned a lot of for a better fortune worthy one to drink until dawn. His repertoire contains Tom Waits and Johnny Cash classics, as well as Louis Jordan, Nick Cave and Hank Williams melodies. Our ball will take place at Árok Bar, in Nagyharsány.
Psycho Mutants
Since their formation in 2005, the band had held more than 150 concerts, in an almost indescribable stlye, fusing psychedelic, western swing and rock’n’roll elements. Their music is a little like Dracula meeting Johnny Cash with some old western scenery in the background. Alongside the drums and bass lines they enrich their melodies with noisy shreds, trombone and accordion unified by the deeply resonant and powerful voice of Zoltán Karnics. Mystical and forceful music this one, impact guaranteed.
Fajkusz Banda
Attila Fajkusz – violin; Gergely Szőke – viola; Ernő Szőke – double bass; Sándor Erőss – accordion
The orchestra's founders count already as old-timers among the barn dance musicians. In 2009 they’ve published a CD titled ‘Anno’, from which substance was made a dance theatre program for Sopron Dancegroup (directors: Ferenc Sipos, Gábor Boka). Also, there is a living cooperation with the Dalriada folk-metal band from Sopron, which enriches the genre. We think that musicians benefit the people dancing to their music: we are the constant accompany of Sopron Dancegroup, and we also accompany their supply, Pendelyes Dancegroup, but even more times our supply, the Lövői band accompanies them. We find the young persons', children's teaching very important, two younger orchestras try their wings beside us.
It is said that us making music conjures up a good mood - presumably because we do it so.
About the Csangos from a Csango – Grátzy Benke’s performance
Our friend, Grátzy shares wholeheartedly his experiences and his feelings with you. In the course of the performance, there will turn upThey turn up traditional Csángó melodies, dances, for which there will be an opportunity to acquire and also there will be a chance to try out your skills.
(3rd August, Cifra Terasz, Palkonya)
Fanfara Complexa
The group, as a dance house band was founded in 2002, and has been for almost ten years permanent participants of the Budapest’ and rural houses and dance clubs. The music is based on authentic Csángó-Moldavian folk music and new-style szcerba, hora and Manele melodies. In the performance, the in Moldavia audible, dynamic, tightly pulsing, from Romanian, Hungarian Csángó, Serbian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Jewish roots nurtured music life will be adapted with individual instrumentation and conception. The aim is to integrate the ongoing musical processes on the own way into the domestic musical scene.
Péter Bede - alto saxophone, horns
Csaba Sófalvi Kiss - tenor sax, kaval, flute
Soma Salamon - accordion, kaval, flute
Szabolcs Róka - lute, vocal
Félix Benke - drums, harp, leaf