Sándor Petőfi – György Ferenczi: The Hammer of the Village

musical fair comedy, collective work of Gergely Csiky Theatre in Kaposvár and Ördögkatlan Festival

first performance: 1st August

The Festival not only hosts theatre plays, but – after Bus Theatre, now again – creates them. This year’s with Kaposvár Troup mutual premiere is produced from Petőfi’s delightful work. György Ferenczy, who is highly receptive to the poets’ poems, has written the music, a kind of Hungarian folk blues.

The first half of the rehearsals take place in Kaposvár, then on 19th July the creators move to Nagyharsány, where they finish their work, and as a gesture of the Festival opening, they are singing Petőfi.

The theatrical version of the text by Hilda Hársing

Directed by: Máté Szabó

Performed by actors from the troupe Kaposvár: Csaba Fándly, Géza Takács, Oszkár Nyári, Szilvia Nyári, Zsófi Czene, Tamás Szvath, Gábor Váncsa, Mátyás Marofka