Tale from the Round Four-Cornered Forrest

Children play based on Ervin Lázár’s plays, performed by 11th grade drama students, Mihály Horváth Grammar School, Szentes

Director: Ibolya Matos

Monster Lajos, the behemoth with a best heart, ow, but sleepy! It would be necessary to help him! But since he has friends: Horse Szerafin, the blue steed; Aromó, the rabbit with indomitable brain; Bruckner Szigfrid, the become worthy circus lion; Maminti, the small green fairy; Nagy Zoárd, the pacing pine tree; Vacskamati, catlike individual; Dömdödöm, who can say only so much,, that dömdödöm; and of course Mikkamakka, wisdom of them all. With his marvelous Lajos must get saved from the drowsiness!