Woman – the new band and album of Bea Palya

Bea Palya’s first time in the Cauldron!

The motherhood signifies the beginning of a new life period after the birth of her little daughter in Palya Bea’s life, to which new songs, new musicians and a new album are joining.

The singer, song writer, performer and author was brought up on Hungarian, Gypsy and Bulgarian folk music, later learned about other folks’ music (Sephardi music, Indian music). She sings mostly her own songs, in which a touching personal world opens up in front of us.

Members of the band: Bea Palya – singer, sansula; Ernő Bodoczki – double bass; Tamás Czirják – drums, percussion; János Gerzson – oud, bouzouki, kalimba, flute; Dongó Balázs Szokolay – flute, saxophone, horn, kaval; István Tóth Jr. – guitar